The Secret Weapon in the Evangelist’s Arsenal

“Dear God, save my sister, come into my cousin’s life, reveal yourself to my coworker Joann.” Have you uttered these prayers on behalf of loved ones, colleagues, or neighbors? I have. Many times. I’ve prayed believing these prayers would yield great results. I awaited...

Not a Superhero

I pulled up the rumpled tan cloth, smoothing it out the best I could. In front of me was a partially stuffed monkey. Half stuffy, half blankey, it was the only thing my eldest son had held onto since infancy. It was both well-loved and well-protected. It is also the...

The Voice of a Humbled Heart

“Your vocal cord is paralyzed,” the doctor said, “I will schedule you for a follow-up in 6 months.” 6 months? I scribbled in disbelief on the notepad that had become my voice over the past few weeks. “Be sure to use your notepad,” he continued, “do not strain your...

Lessons from the Desert

 Isaiah 35: 1-2 Even the wilderness and desert will be glad in those days. The wasteland will rejoice and blossom with spring crocuses. Yes, there will be an abundance of flowers and singing and joy! February 23, 2024 is a day that ushered me into an uninvited...