Prayer is at the center of evangelism. Teams meet together to pray regularly, the prayer connection is a format that can be followed around a particular theme. It includes a brief devotion and prayer points.

Prayer Connection- November 2024

Expansive Living Through Gratitude

Pause and Reflect: How does lack of gratitude constrict your life? How does expressing gratitude expand your life? What choices can you make today that would expand your life and allow you to feel a sense of release from despair and offer gratitude for all you have and have gone through?

Scripture: “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.”

2 Thessalonians 5:18

Scriptural Insights: One way we can live a more expansive life is to practice compassion towards ourselves and others through the practice of gratitude. Gratitude is a key that frees us from resentments that can build when we have unmet expectations. Gratitude also releases us from the negative impact of loss, betrayal, challenging life events, or any other experience that is unpleasant or uncomfortable. Gratitude releases you from the confines of bitterness. The adage “you steer where you stare” is a reminder to expand our lives by practicing gratitude for what we have and not imprisoning ourselves by focusing on what we have lost or don’t have.

One way you can learn to live more compassionately toward yourself and others is to consider practicing gratitude and focusing on what is “true…noble…right…pure…lovely…admirable…excellent…and praiseworthy.” Philippians 4:8-9

Prayer Prompts:

Pray for your families, friends, and neighbors

  • Pray for opportunities to extend gratitude towards your family, friends, and neighbors
  • Pray for opportunities to share your testimony of Christ with family, friends, and neighbors
  • Ask God to show you any bitterness you may hold toward family, friends, and neighbors and for him to help you be released from this bitterness and shower these offenders with gratitude and blessings

Pray for ways to see the blessings in all you encounter

  • Pray for God to show you the blessings through loss
  • Pray for God to show you the blessings through trials
  • Pray for God to show you the blessings through any physical, financial, mental, emotional, or spiritual challenges

Pray for our Outreach Groups:

  • Pray for God to provide opportunities to express and show gratitude to the families of your planning team and women who attend your events
  • Ask God to show your group ways they can show gratitude towards those who help meet the needs of your outreach groups
  • Pray for God to help you focus on what is: “true…noble…right…pure…lovely…admirable…excellent…and praiseworthy” within your group and in each other