About 7.5 billion people live and breathe in this world right now. As you read this, babies are born and people pass away. Did you know that the stars in our galaxy outnumber the people? To be more specific, an estimated 100-300 billion stars exist in this galaxy. What’s even crazier is that we can view only 10,000 galaxies out of the unknown total number.

Let this sink in: the Creator of the universe has said,

“… ‘Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.’”

 – Matthew 11:28, NLT

The Creator – not only of this planet but of thousands of galaxies – invites each of us to come to Him and rest. Let the grandness of this statement wash over you and fill you with awe in our great God … and let me suggest to you that He is more than able to ease our burdens. He is both grand and powerful enough to do it, and yet knows each of our needs and meets us where we are. When we go to Him, we will certainly find rest.

Rachel-FouGod of the Universe and God of Rest
Rachel Fou

May 9, 2016 [printfriendly]