“Your vocal cord is paralyzed,” the doctor said, “I will schedule you for a follow-up in 6 months.” 6 months? I scribbled in disbelief on the notepad that had become my voice over the past few weeks. “Be sure to use your notepad,” he continued, “do not strain your voice to talk unless absolutely necessary. Eddie, it could take months for your voice to return, if ever.

IF EVER? He excused himself and as he left the examining room my heart sank. Reality set in when I was given an appointment card for a future date that seemed like an eternity away.

But first, let me tell you about the day when it all began.

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was running late and as I stood before my mirror quickly applying mascara a thought dropped into my heart, “You never get on your knees when you pray like you used to.” “That’s probably true,” I reasoned in my heart as I began applying mascara to my other eye, “but there are plenty of Biblical examples of people praying in all sorts of positions; laying prostrate, standing, kneeling…” I finished, gathered my things and was out the door. Little did I know that the Lord would use that heart conversation to teach me valuable lessons about Himself, my pride, and the power of intercessory prayer.

My friend, Wanda, is a talented radio producer. Back in the day it was rumored that although she was in California she had a Rolodex the size of Texas – Wanda knows almost everyone. The technology of broadcasting via the internet was new and the station I worked for in Texas had just launched our Listen Live feature via our website. Wanda frequently listened to my show and would reach out with encouragement.

We quickly became long-distance friends. On the day of my doctor’s visit I shared with her the career threatening diagnosis I had received. After all, an on-air radio personality with no voice is like a concert pianist with no keyboard.

In typical Wanda fashion, she went to work. Nowadays, conference calls are common, but at the time they were new. Wanda sent a message that simply said, “I have scheduled a prayer conference call. Four of us from across the nation are going to lift you to Jesus!”

It reminded me of the story of friends bringing a paralyzed man to Jesus for healing in the Gospel of Mark (2:1-12). Jesus witnessed the faith and determination of these friends and not only did He forgive the man’s sins but also healed him, allowing him to walk once more.

In similar fashion, these precious women offered their support. Just as the friends of the paralytic, these women sought the Lord on my behalf. Despite facing obstacles, such as the gathering crowds, the friends persisted in their mission to bring their friend to Jesus. These women persisted as well, bringing their faith and belief in miracles.

As they prayed their words were like the balm of Gilead washing over me. Suddenly the thought again came to me, “Get on your knees.” This time I did not dismiss the still small voice. I immediately fell to my knees.

Shortly afterward I opened my mouth and my ears heard a scratchy voice emerging. “Jesus,” I whispered, my voice hardly recognizable. Again, “Jesus.” Wanda shouted, “Eddie, is that you?” I answered “Yes! The Lord is healing me!” All of us began crying and praising God.

The Father silenced my voice in order to quiet my heart. He certainly humbled my prideful attitude, was gracious to me by giving me ears to hear His voice and eyes to see His deliverance. He showed me the importance of listening to Him.

Oh Father, help us to always be responsive to You and to the needs of others for Your glory. Burdens become lighter when shared among friends. Jesus said, “When two or more are gathered in My name I am there among them.” (Matthew 18:20).